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Lady Bugs



Ladybugs invading the home can be quite a nuisance.  Yes, I know, we all want Lady Bugs around the yard because they eat the bad insects, such as aphids.  But when they emerge inside the home in late winter or early spring in the thousands then you will want to know how to keep this from happening again.


The best way to prevent the ladybug invasion is to spray a good residual insecticide, such as Demon WP, twice in the fall of the year, about a month apart.  You should spray all potential entry points; around windows, doors, plumbing, dryer vents, fireplaces and around the eaves with Invader Aerosol.  This not only prevents the ladybugs from entering but also keeps ants, spiders and big roaches out.

Follow these links to order products to help you get rid of a ladybug infestation:

Electronic Fly Traps