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Head Lice


Head lice and their nits (eggs) are visible to the naked eye, are off white to brown in color, and are generally found in the hair on the head. They are transferred from person to person by body contact and by sharing combs, hats, clothing, etc. Once your child becomes louse free care should be taken that the child does not become re-infested by their playmates at school or at home. All infested places and people should be treated for head lice at the same time.


  • Wash your sheets, bedding, hats and clothes.

  • Clean your brushes and combs in hot soapy water or after each use place them in a bowl full of rubbing alcohol.

  • Tell your school, daycare, church, other parents, etc. that you are treating your child for head lice. Failure to do this most important step will probably lead to your child becoming re-infested.



  • Treat your child's head with Not Nice to Lice. This is an enzyme product that is very safe and the lice will not be immune to it's action.

  • Spray any furniture or beds with Lice Killer Aerosol. Contains Pyrethrin..